Jiangsu Great Industrials Group Corp.Ltd.
Grtech clutch facing 22000sets and Grtech brake lining 1180sets sent to yiwu shiping agent for middle east customers today;

clutch facing from Grtech group 22000sets (44000pcs) with high quality for passenger car clutch disc in 11 pallets,

and truck brake lining with 5 models such as 19036/37,19369/70, 19094,19933,19488 total 21pallets delivered to yiwu warehouse today;

these models are selling popular in middle east with ceramic materials,made by grtech group in Beraltex logo,clutch facing top quality

from Grtech group Grt-828 material with Beraltex logo

#GRTECH #brakelining #truckbrakelining #clutchfacing #brakeliningrolls #revits #clutchdisc #grtechgroup